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So you've heard you need witnesses. But you might be thinking who do I pick and what to they do?

At some stage I am going to chat to you about who you will be nominating as your witnesses. They can be family members, pals, or total randoms!

So, what do they need to do?

Towards the end of your ceremony when it is time to sign your certificates, I will call up your nominated witnesses. They will need to watch you guys sign your life away & they will also need to sign all 3 certificates.

It's an easy job, but also a very honourable job! It's up to you who you choose, but it can be anyone. Both mum's; both dad's; brothers or sisters; maid of honour and best man; friends that didn't have a place in the ceremony but you would love to include them. Or if you are having a small elopement, you can use your photographers!

The only requirement is they both need to be over 18 years of age & they need to understand everything said at the ceremony (they either understand English, or there is an interpreter present).

The reason behind the witnesses, is if evidence needs to be later given that the ceremony did occur & they can confirm the identity of the couple. For this reason, it is best that the witnesses know the couple, but it is not necessary!

Get in touch if you have any questions.

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