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How do I change my name?

Ok now that you are officially married, I bet you are thinking how do I change my name?

After your magical ceremony, your celebrant has 14 days to register your marriage through Births, Deaths and Marriages of the state in which your ceremony occurred. Don't worry, I get my tooshy down to the post office within about 2 business days!

I will then send you a link with all the information in how to apply for your 'Official Marriage Certificate' from the Births, Deaths and Marriages of the state your ceremony was held. Generally this can all be done online, or you can go in person if you prefer. Please note, you will need to provide some identification documents & this process has a small fee which ranges in each state (roughly about $60-$80). Each state has different processing times, so it's now time to play the waiting game. Once your package has arrived, you can now change your name!

There is a range of options for you - You can take your partners surname; your partner can take your surname; or you can hyphenate and mix both surnames!

It's now time to think about everywhere you need to change your name and time to start tiki tour. I've provided a list below which might help:

  • Drivers licence

  • Medicare card

  • Land Registry, for home owners

  • Rental Bond Board, for renters

  • Pet Registry, for pet owners

  • Australian Electoral Commission

  • Australian Passport Office

  • Australian Taxation Office

  • Centrelink

  • Banks and building societies

  • Insurance and superannuation providers

  • Mobile phone and internet providers

  • Utility providers

And viola! You will now officially have a new name!

Please get in contact if you have any questions.

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